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Hatchback For Sale in Omaha, NE

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  • 2024 Toyota Corolla Hatchback SE

    SE 4dr Hatchback
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DISCLAIMER: CONSUMER PRIVACY STATEMENT Our Dealership, Is serious about keeping your personal information private and secure. This notice of our privacy policy explains how we use and protect your information. This form constitutes a legal notification and once accepted by you, authorizes this dealership to use this information to assist you in acquiring the products and services you seek. PLEASE READ THIS AUTHORIZATION AND PRIVACY STATEMENT CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU ACCEPT. WHERE WE GET INFORMATION ABOUT YOU The information we get about you comes from different sources and may include: Information you give to us on applications or other forms, which may include your name, address, drivers license number, employment history, income, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses and Social Security number. Representations you make to us, such as your employment history, account balances, payment histories and your relationships with other persons or entities you have listed as references. Information from your transactions with us, our affiliated companies or our business partners who may provide you other related services. Information we receive from consumer credit reporting agencies to confirm, verify or add to facts you provide us on applications or other forms. Data collected by such a reporting agency may be kept by them and later shared with others who are entitled to use these reports. That personal information gathered by consumer credit reporting agencies will be provided to others only as allowed by federal and state Fair Credit reporting laws. Information we receive from your insurance agent or broker to confirm the presence of applicable insurance coverages required under an installment payment agreement. OUR DEALERSHIP DOES NOT SELL OR RENT INFORMATION ABOUT YOU TO OTHERS. In order to conduct our business and offer you the products and/or services that you may want, we may share your information within our company or affiliated companies (companies related by common ownership). The law allows us to share your financial information solely for the purpose of providing you the products and services you seek from this dealership. The law allows us to share your financial information with our affiliates or third parties outside of our dealership in order to service, market or underwrite our products and services to you. We may also share your information with financial institutions we have entered into a written contract with in order to provide you with financial products. We do not disclose your information to anyone else unless allowed or required by law. You cannot prevent these disclosures. You can limit our sharing of your personal information with affiliated and non-affiliated third parties to market their products to you. By signing this form, you are authorizing this dealership to share your nonpublic personal information with affiliated and/or non affiliated third parties that may have products or services that may be of value to you. You may refuse to allow us to share information with affiliated and non-affiliated and non-affiliated organization in order to market products and services other than ours; however, in doing so, you may not receive offer for other products and services that may be of value to you. If it is your intent to issue such a refusal (also known as an opt-out). HOW WE PROTECT ANY NON-PUBLIC PERSONAL INFORMATION WE COLLECT ABOUT YOU. We maintain physical, administrative, procedural and technical safeguards to protect this personal information from unauthorized access. Access to your personal information is limited only to those who have a business need to do so. We also expect our vendors, affiliated companies, third parties, insurance agents and others to maintain a high regard for privacy and to safeguard all customer information. In the event the security of your information is breached, we will notify you once the breach is brought to our attention. We follow the laws of the state within which this dealership is domiciled when that law provided you more protection than federal law. Authorization to share information with both affiliated and non-affiliated organizations: I acknowledge that I have reviewed and accepted the terms and conditions set forth in this privacy statement. Vehicle Website Pricing All prices expire at midnight each day. All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, any dealer document preparation charge, and any emission testing charge. The price listed vehicles as equipped does not include charges such as: License, Title, Registration, or Documentation fees, State or local taxes, Smog fees, Credit investigation, optional credit insurance, physical damage of liability insurance, dealer fee or delivery fee. Americar LLC Make no representation, expressed or implied, to any actual or prospective purchaser or owner of this vehicle as to this existence, ownership, accuracy, description or condition of the listed vehicle’s equipment, accessories, price or any warranties. Any and all difference must be addressed prior to the purchase of this vehicle. ALL PRICES ARE AFTER $2,000 DOWN WITH APPROVED CREDIT.

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